We attend an established Hungarian baptist church each Sunday morning at 10:00. They own their own building, and only have one service on Sunday. The first picture is from the back of the church during the music. The words to the songs are projected on the wall. We have a pianist, 2 guitars, drums, and several singers to lead the songs. There is no "special" music during the service. Sometimes there is an instrumental "concert" after the service. They take time to pray together and share testimonies. The children sit with parents during the first part of the service. We bring books for ours to read, and we take the baby outside for a walk when he can no longer sit quietly. It is common for parents to go in and out with their little ones. At the sermon time, the children go upstairs for a Bible lesson. All the children are in one class, ages 2 - 10. Our children are still learning to understand Hungarian and try to participate. We ate lunch together after one service (also pictured)- the church provided hot dogs (no buns), potato salad, and bread. Everyone also brought fruit, desserts, and bottled water.
Last Sunday we witnessed our first baptism. A portable pool was brought inside with a ladder. Three people were baptized wearing white clothes. Before the baptism, they each gave their testimony in front of the church. The room was so quiet as each one climbed up the tall ladder and down into the pool. All eyes were wet with tears when they came up out of the water. What a beautiful picture of the old life being buried, and being raised to a new life in Christ. This was an amazing event. Afterwards, the three kneeled in front of the church to be prayed for.
"So then, those who had received his word were baptized.....and they were continually devoting themselves to the apostle's teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. And those who had believed were TOGETHER..."
Acts 2:41-46
It is GOOD to be with God's people!