We visited a historic monument in Budapest which is located at the top of a hill overlooking the Danube River. It is one of the highest points in the city and you can see the entire city from here! While Budapest flourishes in culture, music, traditions, art, literature, medicine, universities, cathedrals, and cafes, this really is a desolate place - spiritually. The cathedrals are so ornately decorated, patron saints are everywhere, and heroes of the deep "Christian" history are named on the street signs. One would think this a place where Christianity abounds. However, under the surface of the goodness of the people, under their beautiful hospitality and welcoming words, my soul can feel a desperation for the touch of God. Most people don't know what a true Christian looks like because they have never seen one, and are unaware that there is more to this life. It is good to be in a desolate place, for it is there that you can recognize your need for God. But to never recognize your need for God is to live believing that you already have everything you need, and falsely believe that you are SATISFIED.
How hungry and thirsty I am, but never satisfied until I move closer to God!
"for here we are in a desolate place......and they all ate and were satisfied." - Jesus feeding the 5,000, Luke 9:12 - 17