We have a group of believers from our church who meet in our living room every Thursday night. It has been wonderful to get to know some Hungarians better as they are very open about sharing their life experiences during this time. Almost 2 weeks ago, one lady in our group asked us to pray for her co-worker who was scheduled to have a late-term abortion on Friday, the next day. This pregnant woman had found out that her baby had Down Syndrome and she did not want to keep the baby. She was six months pregnant. Over the next week, our friend did not have contact with her and we did not know what happened until this week's Thursday night meeting.
The pregnant woman did proceed with the abortion on Friday. She was induced and went into labor, and the baby should have been delivered shortly after. However, the labor process went on until Sunday night. The nurses in attendance said that if the baby did not come this day, she would just have to carry the baby to full term. There was nothing more they could do to make the baby come so early. However, the baby did come Sunday night.
The baby was born alive, and the mother was not allowed to see the baby. The baby was then left unattended......and left to die alone.
And so, this is a typical late-term abortion. Is this more humane than the "partial-birth" abortion method that is in such high demand in America? Friends, let us not think that God does not see and that God does mourn for the callous hearts that would so willingly dispose of another human simply because that one is less than perfect. The word abortion has become far too common a word - even among Christians. Let's not get comfortable with knowing that so many children are being killed every day. Let's not put economics and health care ahead of the right to life when it comes to voting. Let's not assume there is nothing more we can do to stop such evil practices.
Remember our own beautiful daughter.....our five year old who loves to sing and dance, is learning to speak Hungarian and to play piano, completes an entire math chapter in one day, and plays princess dress-up every day......who has Turner Syndrome? She was a choice. "It's OK if you want to terminate your pregnancy, you can always try again. It's not your fault that something is wrong with your baby. We just don't know how bad the affects of her condition will be....." I will never forget hearing these words and how it stung my heart. It's unbelievable that we would even have to talk a genetic counselor who assured us that "pregnancy termination" was a perfectly normal choice! WHAT? What's normal about killing your baby? Special needs children are precious! They are a special GIFT from God......so that we would learn how to really love.
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139
I cannot be quiet! Psalm 94:16, Proverbs 31:8-9