"Why Hungary? Of all the places in the world, why would you chose Hungary?" We have heard this question many times, and the answer isn't always easily understood. Separately we read through job requests for places all over the world - Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, South Africa.....and Hungary. During my time of reading through the requests, I was moved to tears when I read the last one on the bottom of the pile. I had a very small glimpse of light into the dark post-communistic society of Eastern Europe, and saw many Hungarians coming to know Jesus. When we came back together, we had both chosen the same job request. So why this place? You could say that God put the Hungarian people in our hearts. The other requests sounded interesting, exciting, and wonderful, but something was missing......the calling, the passion, the presence of God in leading us to a different people group.
Many people love to talk about missions or say that they're praying for missions. Churches love to support missions, but often missions is just a concept that is too far removed from the everyday American life. It's easy to feel guilty for not having more time or money to do something more for the nations. Let's get real and specific! God is concerned about people - individuals and families all over the world. God calls His followers to respond to Him. If we as Christians are listening to Him, there will be people or peoples that he is leading us to. Not just "missions" in general.....but people.
Missions becomes REAL when we become involved with REAL individuals. Not programs, not offerings, not promotional videos, and not in idolizing missionaries. Who are we concerned about?
Which people are on your heart?
Hello April,
ReplyDeleteMy husband and 2 kids are moving to Hungary, prayerfully in August. We are missionsaries with Church of God World Missions and English teachers with TeachOverseas.org. Currently I am completeing a BA in Pastoral Ministry at Lee Universtiy in Cleveland TN. My husband has completed his MA in Christian Ministries at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Dec.
We too have been called to Hungary by the Lord.
My husband came home from class in Jan 2012 after hearing about sharing the Gospel as English teachers with TeachOverseas.org. He came home with great excitement and announced that we were moving to Czech Republic as ESL teachers. At the time I had a 10 and 6 year old, it didn't sound like any plans we had talked about so I was a little frustrated. I was thinking, sure I could go without kids, but you don't just take your kids across the country on a whim. It was no whim. I prayed desireing for the Lord to show me too what he was leading us to do. I prayed and asked God to send a man into my office who would speak the language of the country we would go to. Four days later a man walked in from Hungary. I was amazed when I heard the obvious Slavic language and I was anxious to hear where he was from... It was Hungary.I told my husband what had happened and he said like a train track it shifted. That would have been all I need to confirm but our Great Awesome God sent another solid confirmation from a guest lecturer in my Christian Leadership class. Pastor Eaton had come to teach about Christian Leadership, but said, "All I can talk about is my trip from Hungary, I am sorry, but this is for someone in here. At this point I was undone, weeping and trembling in the presence of the Lord.
It has been a little over 2 years and I have 2 months until graduation then we have a month of ESL training in CA with TeachOverseas.We are all very excited to see what the Lord will do.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ, he saved and delivered me from the enemy's hand. When I was four my father threatened to shoot me and my family. That night sent my next 26 years into a tailspin into a deep dark pit.I am free today by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are all excited for how the Lord will use us while English teachers there.
We are hoping and praying our kids can attend ICSB in Diosd. Looking at the Application process and then being curious about Diosd, I found your blog. Reading made me all the more excited, excited just doesn't describe what I feel.
As of right now, we do not know what location they will send us. Again, we pray Budapest area.
The people of Hungary are on our hearts, my husband worked as an ESL teacher in Biscke this summer in the UN Refugee camp. We have a desire to minister to the refugees there too.
The Hungarian nation is on our hearts and it has been etched by Almighty God.
It was good to find you I hope this gets to you.
May the Lord bless and keep all of you,
Stephanie Sampson